Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Good News, the Scary News, and a CHALLENGE

We got the WONDERFUL news on Monday that:

  1. Our Letter of Intent for our little one has been sent to the government for their pre-approval.  We are "locked-in" to our child for now pending their decision; and,
  2. Our application has been accepted by the placing agency!!
What that means.  We're a big step closer to our newest Kroeker!!

 .....and lots of fees are due RIGHT NOW.  Wow, things are moving quickly.  We've got to come up with about $2,300 right away, $1,900 in about 2 weeks, and another chunk a few weeks after that.  If we can't turn in the fees in a timely way, our paperwork process slows, and the date for bringing the lilttle whipper-snapper home gets pushed back. :'(

So, we're initiating a BRING A LITTLE KROEKER HOME FACEBOOK CHALLENGE.  We've figured that if even HALF of our family's facebook friends would jump in and donate just $15-20, we would have these fees covered.  Will you join us and be a wild & fun part of this story?

It could be CRAZY to see how much we could raise in only 24, 48 or 72 hours just through social networking.  The Challenge begins NOW!  Click on the DONATE button to the left.

This online/Paypal part of this fund-raising strategy is through Paypal, and therefore, not tax-deductible. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation through our church, please see the instructions under the Paypal button.  Either way.....


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