Monday, May 13, 2013

Oh yeah, they gone...

It's big.

It's wonderful.

It's ordinary.

It's heavy.

[, I have a wee little drama gene that is fun to call up into service, but it can easily take over and scream "NOT ENOUGH! NEED MORE CAPITALS! NEED MORE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!! NEED MORE CONFETTI!!  It's a drama gene, for crying out loud!]

Okay, Okay. Hold your horses.

No, I am NOT pregnant (although I have, at times, felt the urge to eat enough for two...)

But, I am expecting!  Expecting, waiting, preparing, waiting, dreaming, hoping, WAITING, planning, weeping, WAITING...

for this.

This. beautiful. face.  This spunky little man.  This courageous survivor. This child of mine.  Our son.  Munchkin #5.

Number 5!!!  Big Daddy G initially wanted 2 children (that's what he knew & grew up with); I wanted 4 (that's what I grew up with); we thought that we were done with 3.

And, then FOUR...

But, it just keeps getting better.

(Big, overwhelmed, contented sigh...)

Ok, before any of you say, "I knew it! I knew you'd adopt again!", just let me say that might be the equivalent of saying to someone who's pregnant for the 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. time, "You know how that happens, right?" I promise not to sock you in the nose if you do the 'I-told-you-so', but I'm not sure the rest of my family will comply.  You've been warned. ;)  (And, for the record, we sort-a suspected we weren't done adding to our family.  So, there. :p)

But, really, say what you want, we can take it!  God has surprised and blessed us beyond our imaginations.


We've just received pre-approval from Ch*na to pursue adopting this wee one, so we really do have some waiting to do.  Our "paperchase" is in full swing, but we're still looking at several months before we can fold this one into this family and settle him into our nest here on the homestead.

[Stay tuned for more news and updates.]

Feel free to do the happy dance with us, if you must.  And you MUST.

Happy, happy, happy.

[misc references compliments of Duck Dynasty, Jack.]