Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tidal Waves and birthdays

This is the blog post that I imagine every adoptive family struggles to write, dreads to post, wishes to not hope so much in...

...asking for help.

It's inevitable for most of us in this situation and common to many adoptive families in process of gathering their children into their nest.  We have room in our hearts and in our home and in our family budget to parent another child.  We are eager to love, nurture and raise another precious son.  But we cannot keep up with the waves of extra costs that keep coming in as regular as the tide.  We need financial help to bring our Seth home.  Many adoption expenses come in BIG chunks that are time-sensitive (along with many, many little costs sprinkled in between!!)  The process comes to a grinding halt at various stages without those big fees paid in full.  We are DESPERATE to keep things moving.  Seth turned 3 years old last week without us; Joel turned 5 a few days later at HOME.

The contrast for us was heartbreaking.

If you are inclined to & ready to help us with the adoption expenses, you probably don't need any reasons why or have questions about how/why it costs so much, etc...feel free to skip the rest of this blog and grab the donation info from the sidebar.  

And THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.  You have no idea how much encouragement every donation brings.

If you'd like a little more info about where we are in the process, read on...

The next big step to keep moving involves final fees for our homestudy, US immigration application & dossier completion.  We've been working like crazy to get the pieces put together.  Once our dossier is sent to Ch!na, we have a bit of a wait for the in-country approvals & connections to happen.  That will also be a time for us to apply for grants, sell what we can, save up more nickels, etc...  

We know for sure that God will provide; He's promised He would, and we've seen His powerful, reassuring work before and are confident that He'll do it again.  We have no doubt that He could drop the rest of the fees into our lap today, if He chose to.  But, He is about relationship - our relationship & dependence on Him, and our relationships & interdependence with others.  We've been on both sides of this process, and in both places we've experienced the joy of giving & receiving, the humility of recognizing that our gifts are small but that each one is significant and represents a sacrifice, and the AMAZEMENT that God has allowed us to be part of each other's journey.  We have a vested interest in each other when we open ourselves and admit our need, and when we offer our support.  SO, I'm sure THAT'S why God doesn't choose to send a money bag down through the clouds to take care of everything ourselves.  Darn it, anyhow. ;)

We need to need help.
We need to be needed to help others.

The need for us right now?  

$1,560 ASAP (this week!!) for Homestudy & US Immigration

$5,075 in the next few weeks to get that big ol' dossier to Ch1na!!

(See what I mean? Waves...crashing...)

I'm thankful for this promise:

 You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. Yes.  Phil. 4:19 (The Message)


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